جريدة الديار
الأحد 19 مايو 2024 06:05 مـ 11 ذو القعدة 1445 هـ
بوابة الديار الإليكترونية | جريدة الديار
رئيس مجلس الإدارة أحمد عامررئيس التحريرسيد الضبع
الأهلي يجدد شهادة التوافق مع المعيار الدولي لاستمرارية الأعمال ISO 22301: 2019 ”بروا ابائكم تبركم ابنائكم” .. قبل ما تحجر علي ابوك افتكر ”دراما الشحاذين” .. كوميديا سوداء تبحث عن النور في المهرجان الختامي لنوادي المسرح 31 حالة الطقس ودرجات الحرارة اليوم الأحد وكيل تعليم البحيرة يشيد بأبنائنا الطلاب ويؤكد على استمرار الدعم لأبنائنا طلاب التربية الخاصة تعرف علي تفاصيل ما سيدور بين ولي العهد السعودي وسوليفان من اتفاقات استراتيجية انتظام امتحانات الفصل الدراسي الثاني للشهادة الإعدادية بالبحيرة برئاسة السروجى وفد نقابة البترول يلتقى اتحاد عمال الشغل التونسى لتبادل الخبرات الدقهلية حصدت ثمانى مراكز أولى في المسابقة الثقافية المشتركة بين التعليم والأوقاف تفاصيل إفتتاح الدورة 31 للمهرجان الختامي لنوادي المسرح بالسامر شوبير يكشف عن موقف صلاح من الإنضمام لمنتخب مصر بعد نهاية موسمه مع ليفربول المؤتمر الصحفي الثالث للإتحاد المصري لطلاب الصيادلة: نجاح باهر يناقش قضايا الصيدلة ويُطلق القمة المهنية الأولى

Learn about the tale of indecency ... and why the Caliph gave it to his singer

In Egypt, and most countries of the world, streets and squares are named after the kings and sultans, or prominent personalities, such as martyrs, or companions and prophets, but the area that we will talk about through the following lines violated all the rules, and was named after an artistic profession, which is "drummer"

Egypt and the Abbasid Caliph, the Qaim of God in Baghdad, and the conflict ended with the victory of the Fatimid Caliph in the war battle that was between him and the Abbasid Caliph, so the Fatimid caliph singer began singing and cheering, declaring her rejoicing in the defeat of the Abbasid Caliph, Because of the Fatimid caliph’s admiration for these songs, he dedicated it to this fertile area overlooking the Nile.

The area remained with this name until Badr al-Jamali, commander of the armies of the Fatimid caliph al-Mustansir Billah, came to Egypt and built orchards around that area and changed its name to “Basateen al-Juyushi.” After a period of time, it was neglected until Khedive Ismail developed the area on both sides of the railway and it was " Faggala "is part of it, and it was called this name due to the radish farmers who inhabited that area, and it was inhabited by foreigners and shamans due to its proximity to the station of Egypt."

The story of Al-Tabalah Street, or Faggala, goes back to the conflict between the Fatimid Caliph Al-Mustansir Billah in Egypt and the Abbasid Caliph, the Qaim of God in Baghdad, and the conflict ended with the victory of the Fatimid Caliph in the war battle that was between him and the Abbasid Caliph, so the Fatimid caliph singer began singing and rejoicing in her rejoicing at the defeat of the Abbasid Caliph And due to the Fatimid caliph’s admiration for these songs, he dedicated it to this fertile area overlooking the Nile.

As for the most famous landmarks in Faggala, it is the Roman Catholic School, the Jesuit Church and the Chaldean Catholic Church are among the most famous landmarks on the street, as there are many other landmarks

The Greco-Roman Museum .. One of the most important monuments of Alexandria .