جريدة الديار
الأحد 19 مايو 2024 02:46 مـ 11 ذو القعدة 1445 هـ
بوابة الديار الإليكترونية | جريدة الديار
رئيس مجلس الإدارة أحمد عامررئيس التحريرسيد الضبع
الأهلي يجدد شهادة التوافق مع المعيار الدولي لاستمرارية الأعمال ISO 22301: 2019 ”بروا ابائكم تبركم ابنائكم” .. قبل ما تحجر علي ابوك افتكر ”دراما الشحاذين” .. كوميديا سوداء تبحث عن النور في المهرجان الختامي لنوادي المسرح 31 حالة الطقس ودرجات الحرارة اليوم الأحد وكيل تعليم البحيرة يشيد بأبنائنا الطلاب ويؤكد على استمرار الدعم لأبنائنا طلاب التربية الخاصة تعرف علي تفاصيل ما سيدور بين ولي العهد السعودي وسوليفان من اتفاقات استراتيجية انتظام امتحانات الفصل الدراسي الثاني للشهادة الإعدادية بالبحيرة برئاسة السروجى وفد نقابة البترول يلتقى اتحاد عمال الشغل التونسى لتبادل الخبرات الدقهلية حصدت ثمانى مراكز أولى في المسابقة الثقافية المشتركة بين التعليم والأوقاف تفاصيل إفتتاح الدورة 31 للمهرجان الختامي لنوادي المسرح بالسامر شوبير يكشف عن موقف صلاح من الإنضمام لمنتخب مصر بعد نهاية موسمه مع ليفربول المؤتمر الصحفي الثالث للإتحاد المصري لطلاب الصيادلة: نجاح باهر يناقش قضايا الصيدلة ويُطلق القمة المهنية الأولى

The Mohamed Abdel Wahab Museum.. artifacts that chronicle the memory of Arab music

An artistic and architectural masterpiece that takes you back to the years of his birth, a musician of generations, and chronicles the memory of Arab music that is provided by the Mohamed Abdel Wahab Museum, which the Egyptian Opera House in Cairo decided to open for free to the public on the occasion of the birth anniversary of the late artist, which falls on the 13th of March.

His famous glasses, his wristwatch, his instrument, a piano, some of his clothes, including his military uniform, medals, certificates of appreciation, and medals he received, in addition to his pictures and personal items ... all are memories that allow the museum visitor to live moments of a beautiful time, and an opportunity for generations El Jadida for an artist's genius who enriched the musical life in Egypt and the Arab world.

In a second wing, the museum designed a model that resembles the late musician's house; A number of the artist's private rooms, such as his bedroom and private office,

In another cabinet dedicated to platinum CDs, the pavilion displays the moments of the musician’s coronation as the first Arab to receive this record and the third musician in the world from the company "IMI" for sales of his songs, in addition to another cabinet that includes pictures of him with some artists and intellectuals on the Egyptian radio, and a picture It was collected by Umm Kulthum in the East Planet, and placed next to it the first microphone that Abdel-Wahab used in 1934 in the first song he sang on the Egyptian radio as the first singer to sing in it.

Abdel-Wahab from Egypt received the highest state decorations, as the late President Gamal Abdel Nasser awarded him the Egyptian Order of Merit and the Medal of the Republic, and the late President Mohamed Anwar Sadat awarded him an honorary doctorate from the Academy of Arts, in addition to the rank of military brigade.

President Mohamed Hosni Mubarak also awarded him the Nile Necklace and ordered a military funeral for him upon his departure, and the Egyptian Opera House supported his obtaining the State Appreciation Award in 1970, in addition to the printing of two gold and silver five-pound coins bearing the image of Abdel-Wahhab in 1993

Gara Cave .. See the beauty of nature at a depth of 50 meters .