جريدة الديار
الخميس 25 أبريل 2024 08:25 صـ 16 شوال 1445 هـ
بوابة الديار الإليكترونية | جريدة الديار
رئيس مجلس الإدارة أحمد عامررئيس التحريرسيد الضبع
أسعار بيع وشراء الذهب اليوم الخميس أسعار العملات الأجنبية والعربية اليوم الخميس حالة الطقس ودرجات الحرارة المتوقعة اليوم الخميس المدير التنفيذي لجهاز حماية البحيرات والثروة السمكية يتقدم بالتهنئة للرئيس والقوات المسلحة بمناسبة ذكري تحرير سيناء حفل ختام الأنشطة بمدرسة الأيوبية الإعدادية بنات ومعرض اللغة العربية بمدرسة الهدى والنور بالدقهلية محافظ الدقهلية يهنئ فريق المنصورة الاول لكرة القدم ومجلس الادارة اعتبارا من مساء اليوم يبدأ العمل بالتوقيت الصيفى بهيئة السكة الحديدية النيابة العامة بشمال الجيزة تباشير تحقيقاتها في حادث اصابة عدد من الأطفال باختناق داخل حمام سباحة الترسانة رئيـس مجلـس إدارة جهـاز حمايـة وتنميـة البحيـرات والثـروة السمكيـة يهنئ الرئيس والقوات المسلحة ذكـرى تحريـر سينـاء شباب قادرون تستعد لتنظيم ملتقي توظيفى بالبحيرة وكيل أوقاف الإسكندرية يتابع فعاليات امتحانات طلاب المركز الثقافي افتتاح مؤتمر «صناعة السياحة في ظل التغييرات العالمية »بجامعة الإسكندرية

Sphinx: Guardian of the kingdoms of the living and the dead

This was eight decades ago, until today, and despite the discovery of the symbols of the hieroglyphic language, which helped us a lot in deciphering the secrets of the Egyptian civilization, we still do not know the truth about the Sphinx, who carved it in this way ?, and what is the purpose of that ?, Who is the owner of the order to build it? And when was that ?, and despite that he got many names and titles of his own, as he was one of the Egyptian garrison lords, and in the era of the New Kingdom, the Egyptians called him "Hor im sister", which means Horus on the horizon, which means that it was a description More than a name, it has been described as a guardian standing between the kingdoms of the living in the east and the dead in the west.

It is impossible to determine the name that the creators gave to their statue, as the statue does not appear in any known inscription of the Old Kingdom and there are no inscriptions anywhere describing its construction or even its original purpose, but in the Old Kingdom, the ancient Egyptians called the Sphinx more than 4,500 years ago. The name "Roti", a sacred symbol that comes in the form of a lion, and its function is protection and guarding, so the Sphinx, which represents the Lord Horus, appears between the pyramids of Khufu and Khafre, or between the two horizons, which made it a model for protection, as the statue represents a lion with a crouching human face with a warrior body in the The entrance to the pyramids from the east to face the Nile, the symbol of life in the east, as well as many other names. In later times, it bore the name “Hor Ma Khais.” It was believed that the Sphinx was the symbol of the sun or Ra that rises and sets between the two pyramids. The era of the Middle Kingdom was called "Shasab Ankh", meaning the living image.

"Although 4,500 years have passed since its construction, we still do not know its owner to this day ... and some historians attribute it to King Khafre."

As for the name of the Sphinx or "sphinx", it was launched by the Greeks after the Greek myth, through which the statue of Sphinx came out. It represents a female beast with a woman’s face, an animal body, a chest, lion’s feet, the wings of an eagle and a snake’s tail, although historians believe that his name is in Arabic “Abu Al-Hol "came as a twist from the pharaonic title" Bar Hawl "or" Bu Hawl ", meaning a place, house, or sanctuary, Horus, the falcon symbol of ownership in ancient Egypt, and the word was modified with the entry of the Arabs to Egypt by adding the" Alef "before" Bu ", And the conversion of the letter "H" to "H", and that is why it was called the Sphinx.

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