جريدة الديار
الثلاثاء 5 نوفمبر 2024 12:31 مـ 4 جمادى أول 1446 هـ
بوابة الديار الإليكترونية | جريدة الديار
رئيس مجلس الإدارة أحمد عامررئيس التحريرسيد الضبع
المشوار طويل لكن البداية مطمئنة.. وزير المالية يبعث رسالة للمواطنين تراجع أسعار الدواجن اليوم تعليم الدقهلية: العربي يرأس لجنة لتقييم المتقدمين لشغل وظيفة مسئول متابعة أنشطة التوكاتسو للمدارس المصرية اليابانية والمدارس القائمة وزير المالية: وضعنا سقفا للغرامات الضريبية شروط وضوابط إعارات المعلمين.. تفاصيل عاجلة بشأنها الآن وزير المالية: نستهدف نظاما ضريبيا متكاملا محافظة الدقهلية يقرر احالة 126محضرا بالمخالفات التي تم ضبطها للنيابة العامة لاعمال شئونها. الدكتور سلامة داود يترأس اجتماع لجنة الترجمة بجامعة الأزهر بمقرها بكلية اللغات والترجمة ويناقش مع اللجنة ضرورة إنجاز مشروع (ترجمة الألف كتاب) تعليم البحيرة يتالق ويحصل على بطولة الجمهورية فى الكيك بوكسينج ويتأهل للبطولة الدولية العربية فى ١٨/ ١١/ ٢٠٢٤ وزير الزراعة يعلن فتح السوق الفيتنامي امام صادرات العنب المصري الدقهلية: استمرار تنفيذ اعمال المرحلة الثالثة من برنامج التوعية الشامل للتعريف بدور الإدارة المتكاملة للمخلفات الصلبة أسعار البيض والدواجن اليوم الثلاثاء

The Jewish temple in Alexandria reflects a civilized image of Egyptian relations

For hundreds of years, Egypt has been the stronghold of religions and the homeland of travelers and immigrants. People from different communities and sects of different races and religions trampled on its land, living in one melting pot. Some of them took it as an eternal home and some of them learned from the customs of its people and drank from its sciences and arts. It is Egypt, the land of religions and the cradle of civilizations. On its land there are mosques and churches as well as synagogues.

The Jewish temple is located in the area of ​​the Prophet Daniel Street, one of the most important religious archaeological buildings in Alexandria Governorate. It is called the "Eliyahu Hanabi" temple, and it has a capacity of 700 worshipers. It was established by the Jewish community in Alexandria in the year 1881 AD, and it was registered in the Antiquities volume under No. 16 of 1987, and there are The temple has 63 books from the Jewish books, or 63 old copies of the Torah, which have great religious and archaeological value.

The Jewish temple is distinguished from the outside by a prominent entrance elevated from the surface of the ground with a few steps of marble stairs, and the rest of the façade is surmounted by two shoulders in the center of which are two columns carrying the upper section, which consists of a semicircular arch with a decorative arch consisting of two arches in the middle of a jama, surrounded by a semi-circular arch, topped by five half-crowns. Circular with a tri-petal rose shape, above which is the six-pointed star, in the middle of stylized floral motifs, while on the southwestern side there is an entrance leading to the second floor where the prayer room is located.

From the inside, the building takes the shape of a rectangle and consists of two floors and was built in the Italian style. The building includes about 28 columns, between which are enclosed seats equipped with a small copper plate inscribed with the names of the Jewish attendees, while the structure is made of marble and is located in the middle of the eastern side, where it is preceded by the platform for prayer and preaching. On either side there are two entrances, the first on the southern side leading to a room containing a wooden wheel containing a number of travels, and the second on the northern side and leading to a wooden staircase leading to the women's chapel on the upper floor

West Su reflects the beauty of the Egyptian naturehail, a Nubian village that .